First, there was my book. Writing The Ultimate Guide to The SDLC is the hardest task I’ve ever undertaken. It took 5 solid months working 60 to 80 hours a week to complete the first draft. Editing took another 2-3 months. The book published in December 2010.
Next came Colonial Job Seekers (CJS). CJS is an outreach ministry of Colonial Baptist Church in Cary, North Carolina. CJS was started over 10 years ago to help job seekers find their way after the loss of a job. It has grown to become the largest and most respected job seekers network in the Raleigh area with 200-300 people attending every Monday morning. I began attending regularly after writing the first draft of the book. It didn’t take very long before I was asked to join their leadership team and facilitate the Information Technology Special Interest Group. The greatest blessing for me in this ministry is William Zhou.
A friend had given me a ticket to attend a Business for Missions luncheon at a local country club. I’d never attended this particular group’s functions before and was excited for the opportunity. I ended up sitting next to the Vice President of Corporate Chaplains of America. As we chatted, he mentioned he had need in his organization for an IT resource. It didn’t take long for me to discover the job wasn’t a good fit for me, so I shared a bit about my role at CJS and offered to distribute his requirements to my job seeker mailing list. His number one requirement was someone with a Biblical World View.
A couple of weeks passed and at the end of one of our Monday morning CJS meetings. I was approached by William Zhou. He said, “I’m very interested in the position at Corporate Chaplains of America, but I don’t know what it means to have a Biblical world view.” I quickly located a Bible and shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with him. Twenty minutes later, William bowed his head and asked Christ to save him.
Just this evening I received the following email from William:
I would like to say thank you for leading me to Jesus Christ. The past half year was the best experience of my life since becoming a Christian. My wife became a Christian 3 weeks ago.
William was hired by Corporate Chaplains of America and thrives there.
Yes, the past two years have been filled with God’s blessings. Besides CJS, I’ve been deeply involved in my own churches outreach ministry. I’ve preached at Durham Rescue Mission and the Wake County Correctional Facility. Each week, I present the Gospel as part of our music ministry where we perform hour-long concerts at nursing homes and assisted living facilities. There isn’t a more rewarding feeling than knowing God used you to lead a soul to Himself and an eternity in Heaven.
The other day, I was out on a Daddy-Daughter date with Tori. On the way home she said to me, “Dad, I know you haven’t been making as much money as you did when you were working, but I never felt it.” Doesn’t that just say it all about our Gracious God and His endless provision in our lives? Thanks be to God!